#include #include #include "AFSoftSerial.h" #include "AF_XPort.h" #define PIEZOPIN 12 #define HOSTNAME "www.twitter.com" #define IPADDR "" // twitter.com #define PORT 80 // HTTP #define HTTPPATH "/seanbonner/" // the person we want to follow #define TWEETLEN 141 char linebuffer[256]; // our large buffer for data char tweet[TWEETLEN]; // the tweet int lines = 0; #define XPORT_RXPIN 2 #define XPORT_TXPIN 3 #define XPORT_RESETPIN 4 #define XPORT_DTRPIN 5 #define XPORT_CTSPIN 6 #define XPORT_RTSPIN 7 AF_XPort xport = AF_XPort(XPORT_RXPIN, XPORT_TXPIN, XPORT_RESETPIN, XPORT_DTRPIN, XPORT_RTSPIN, XPORT_CTSPIN); uint8_t errno; uint32_t laststatus = 0, currstatus = 0; /************************SKETCH START*********************/ uint32_t parsenumber(char *str) { uint32_t num = 0; char c; // grabs a number out of a string while (c = str[0]) { if ((c < '0') || (c > '9')) return num; num *= 10; num += c - '0'; str++; } return num; } char * fetchtweet(void) { uint8_t ret; char *found=0, *start=0, *end=0; tweet[0] = 0; // reset the tweet ret = xport.reset(); //Serial.print("Ret: "); Serial.print(ret, HEX); switch (ret) { case ERROR_TIMEDOUT: { Serial.println("Timed out on reset!"); return 0; } case ERROR_BADRESP: { Serial.println("Bad response on reset!"); return 0; } case ERROR_NONE: { Serial.println("Reset OK!"); break; } default: Serial.println("Unknown error"); return 0; } // time to connect... ret = xport.connect(IPADDR, PORT); switch (ret) { case ERROR_TIMEDOUT: { Serial.println("Timed out on connect"); return 0; } case ERROR_BADRESP: { Serial.println("Failed to connect"); return 0; } case ERROR_NONE: { Serial.println("Connected..."); break; } default: Serial.println("Unknown error"); return 0; } // send the HTTP command, ie "GET /username/" xport.print("GET "); xport.println(HTTPPATH); while (1) { // read one line from the xport at a time ret = xport.readline_timeout(linebuffer, 255, 3000); // 3s timeout // if we're using flow control, we can actually dump the line at the same time! //Serial.print(linebuffer); // look for an entry (the first one) found = strstr(linebuffer, "entry-title entry-content"); if (((int)found) != 0) { start = strstr(found, ">") + 1; end = strstr(found, "

"); if ((start != 0) && (end != 0)) { //Serial.println("\n******Found first entry!*******"); end[0] = 0; //Serial.print(start); // save the tweet so we can display it later strncpy(tweet, start, TWEETLEN); tweet[TWEETLEN-1] = 0; } } // next we look for a status ID (which should correspond to the previous tweet)e found = strstr(linebuffer, ""); if ((start != 0) && (end != 0)) { //Serial.println("\n******Found status ID!*******"); end[0] = 0; //Serial.println(start); // turn the string into a number currstatus = parsenumber(start); //Serial.println(currstatus, DEC); // check if this is a nu tweet if (currstatus > laststatus) { laststatus = currstatus; // Serial.println("New message"); // Serial.print(tweet); } else { tweet[0] = 0; } // flush the conn xport.flush(5000); // 5 second timeout if (tweet[0] == 0) { return 0; } else {return tweet; } } } if (((errno == ERROR_TIMEDOUT) && xport.disconnected()) || ((XPORT_DTRPIN == 0) && (linebuffer[0] == 'D') && (linebuffer[1] == 0))) { Serial.println("\nDisconnected..."); return 0; } } } void beep(uint8_t pin, uint16_t freq, int32_t us) { int usdelay; usdelay = 500000 / freq; us *= 1000; //in uS while (us > 0) { digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(usdelay); digitalWrite(pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(usdelay); us -= usdelay*2; } } void setup() { pinMode(13, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIEZOPIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(57600); // xport xport.begin(57600); Serial.println("Hello, world..."); } void loop() // run over and over again { char *tw; tw = fetchtweet(); // tweet tweet Serial.println("twot"); if (tw != 0) { // new tweeeter! Serial.print("TWEEEEEEEEET"); beep(PIEZOPIN, 2000, 500); // 2khz, 500ms Serial.print("---> "); Serial.println(tw); } delay(10000); // wait ten seconds }