#!/usr/bin/env python import serial, time from xbee import xbee # for graphing stuff import wx import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('WXAgg') # do this before importing pylab from pylab import * SERIALPORT = "COM4" # the com/serial port the XBee is connected to BAUDRATE = 9600 # the baud rate we talk to the xbee CURRENTSENSE = 4 # which XBee ADC has current draw data VOLTSENSE = 0 # which XBee ADC has mains voltage data MAINSVPP = 170 * 2 # +-170V is what 120Vrms ends up being (= 120*2sqrt(2)) VREF = 492 # approx ((2.4v * (10Ko/14.7Ko)) / 3 CURRENTNORM = 15.5 # conversion to amperes from ADC NUMWATTDATASAMPLES = 1800 # how many samples to watch in the plot window, 1 hr @ 2s samples # open up the FTDI serial port to get data transmitted to xbee ser = serial.Serial(SERIALPORT, BAUDRATE) ser.open() # Create an animated graph fig = plt.figure() # with three subplots: line voltage/current, watts and watthr wattusage = fig.add_subplot(211) mainswatch = fig.add_subplot(212) # data that we keep track of, the average watt usage as sent in avgwattdata = [0] * NUMWATTDATASAMPLES # zero out all the data to start avgwattdataidx = 0 # which point in the array we're entering new data # The watt subplot watt_t = np.arange(0, len(avgwattdata), 1) wattusageline, = wattusage.plot(watt_t, avgwattdata) wattusage.set_ylabel('Watts') wattusage.set_ylim(0, 500) # the mains voltage and current level subplot mains_t = np.arange(0, 18, 1) voltagewatchline, = mainswatch.plot(mains_t, [0] * 18, color='blue') mainswatch.set_ylabel('Volts') mainswatch.set_xlabel('Sample #') mainswatch.set_ylim(-200, 200) # make a second axies for amp data mainsampwatcher = mainswatch.twinx() ampwatchline, = mainsampwatcher.plot(mains_t, [0] * 18, color='green') mainsampwatcher.set_ylabel('Amps') mainsampwatcher.set_ylim(-15, 15) # and a legend for both of them legend((voltagewatchline, ampwatchline), ('volts', 'amps')) fiveminutetimer = lasttime = time.time() # get the current time cumulativewatthr = 0 def update_graph(idleevent): global avgwattdataidx, lasttime, cumulativewatthr, fiveminutetimer # grab one packet from the xbee, or timeout packet = xbee.find_packet(ser) if packet: xb = xbee(packet) #print xb # we'll only store n-1 samples since the first one is usually messed up voltagedata = [-1] * (len(xb.analog_samples) - 1) ampdata = [-1] * (len(xb.analog_samples ) -1) # grab 1 thru n of the ADC readings, referencing the ADC constants # and store them in nice little arrays for i in range(len(voltagedata)): voltagedata[i] = xb.analog_samples[i+1][VOLTSENSE] ampdata[i] = xb.analog_samples[i+1][CURRENTSENSE] # get max and min voltage and normalize the curve to '0' # to make the graph 'AC coupled' / signed min_v = 1024 # XBee ADC is 10 bits, so max value is 1023 max_v = 0 for i in range(len(voltagedata)): if (min_v > voltagedata[i]): min_v = voltagedata[i] if (max_v < voltagedata[i]): max_v = voltagedata[i] # figure out the 'average' of the max and min readings avgv = (max_v + min_v) / 2 # also calculate the peak to peak measurements vpp = max_v-min_v for i in range(len(voltagedata)): #remove 'dc bias', which we call the average read voltagedata[i] -= avgv # We know that the mains voltage is 120Vrms = +-170Vpp voltagedata[i] = (voltagedata[i] * MAINSVPP) / vpp # normalize current readings to amperes for i in range(len(ampdata)): # VREF is the hardcoded 'DC bias' value, its # about 492 but would be nice if we could somehow # get this data once in a while maybe using xbeeAPI ampdata[i] -= VREF # the CURRENTNORM is our normalizing constant # that converts the ADC reading to Amperes ampdata[i] /= CURRENTNORM #print "Voltage, in volts: ", voltagedata #print "Current, in amps: ", ampdata # calculate instant. watts, by multiplying V*I for each sample point wattdata = [0] * len(voltagedata) for i in range(len(wattdata)): wattdata[i] = voltagedata[i] * ampdata[i] # sum up the current drawn over one 1/60hz cycle avgamp = 0 # 16.6 samples per second, one cycle = ~17 samples # close enough for govt work :( for i in range(17): avgamp += abs(ampdata[i]) avgamp /= 17.0 # sum up power drawn over one 1/60hz cycle avgwatt = 0 # 16.6 samples per second, one cycle = ~17 samples for i in range(17): avgwatt += abs(wattdata[i]) avgwatt /= 17.0 # Print out our most recent measurements print "\tCurrent draw, in amperes: "+str(avgamp) print "\tWatt draw, in VA: "+str(avgwatt) # Add the current watt usage to our graph history avgwattdata[avgwattdataidx] = avgwatt avgwattdataidx += 1 if (avgwattdataidx >= len(avgwattdata)): # If we're running out of space, shift the first 10% out tenpercent = int(len(avgwattdata)*0.1) for i in range(len(avgwattdata) - tenpercent): avgwattdata[i] = avgwattdata[i+tenpercent] for i in range(len(avgwattdata) - tenpercent, len(avgwattdata)): avgwattdata[i] = 0 avgwattdataidx = len(avgwattdata) - tenpercent # add up the delta-watthr used since last reading # Figure out how many watt hours were used since last reading elapsedseconds = time.time() - lasttime dwatthr = (avgwatt * elapsedseconds) / (60.0 * 60.0) # 60 seconds in 60 minutes = 1 hr lasttime = time.time() print "\t\tWh used in last ",elapsedseconds," seconds: ",dwatthr cumulativewatthr += dwatthr # Determine the minute of the hour (ie 6:42 -> '42') currminute = (int(time.time())/60) % 10 # Figure out if its been five minutes since our last save if (((time.time() - fiveminutetimer) >= 60.0) and (currminute % 5 == 0)): # Print out debug data, Wh used in last 5 minutes avgwattsused = cumulativewatthr * (60.0*60.0 / (time.time() - fiveminutetimer)) print time.strftime("%Y %m %d, %H:%M"),", ",cumulativewatthr,"Wh = ",avgwattsused," W average" # Also, send it to the app engine #appengine.sendreport(0, cumulativewatthr) # Reset our 5 minute timer fiveminutetimer = time.time() cumulativewatthr = 0 # Redraw our pretty picture fig.canvas.draw_idle() # Update with latest data wattusageline.set_ydata(avgwattdata) voltagewatchline.set_ydata(voltagedata) ampwatchline.set_ydata(ampdata) # Update our graphing range so that we always see all the data maxamp = max(ampdata) minamp = min(ampdata) maxamp = max(maxamp, -minamp) mainsampwatcher.set_ylim(maxamp * -1.2, maxamp * 1.2) wattusage.set_ylim(0, max(avgwattdata) * 1.2) timer = wx.Timer(wx.GetApp(), -1) timer.Start(500) # run an in every 'n' milli-seconds wx.GetApp().Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, update_graph) plt.show()