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arduino:libraryinstall [2010/03/13 20:29]
arduino:libraryinstall [2016/01/28 18:05]
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-====== What is a Library? ====== 
-Libraries are great places, and not yet illegal in the United States! If you ever need to learn how to do something, like say fix a motorcycle, you can go to your local library and take out a book. Sure you could buy the book but the library is nice because as a resource you can get the book whenever you need it, keeping your house uncluttered. 
-Software Libraries are very similar. We already studied what a procedure is, in [[http://​​learn/​arduino/​lesson3.html|lesson 3]]: a procedure is a list of things to do. A library is a big collection of procedures, where all the procedures are related! If you, say, want to control a motor, you may want to find a Motor Control Library: a collection of procedures that have already been written for you that you can use without having to do the dirty work of learning the nuances of motors. 
-For example, this is the Serial Library, which allows the Arduino to send data back to the computer: 
-====== Using libraries ====== 
-One of the best features of the Arduino project is the ability to add on pre-crafted libraries that add hardware support. There'​s tons of them, and you can pick and choose which to install. They'​re only loaded in when the sketch you're working on needs them, so for the most part you can download and stash them for future use. 
-Sketches will often **depend** on libraries, you can see what they are by looking at the top of the sketch. If you see something like <​code>#​include <​FatReader.h></​code>​ that means that you'll need a library called FatReader or a library that contains the file FatReader. If you dont have it installed you'll get an error: 
-===== Whats in a library? ===== 
-A library is a folder with some files in it, the files will end in **.cpp** (C++ code file) and **.h** (C++ header file). ​ 
-There may also be some **.o** files. The **.o** files are C++ compiled Objects. If you end up working on the library and modifying it, be sure to delete the **.o** files as that will force the Arduino IDE to recompile the modified ​ **.cpp**'​s into fresh **.o**'​s 
-Two optional files you may see are **keywords.txt** (this is a hints file to tell the Arduino IDE how to colorize your sketch and **examples** folder, which may have some handy test-sketches. These will show up under the  File->​Examples->​Library dropdown 
-==== Its important to remember! ==== 
-The structure of the library folder is very important! The **.c** and **.h** files must be in the '​lowest level' of folders. For example, you cant have **Arduino/​libraries/​WaveHC/​WaveHC/​file.c** or **Arduino/​libraries/​MyLibraries/​WaveHC/​file.c** - it must be **Arduino/​libraries/​WaveHC/​file.c** 
-===== How to install libraries ===== 
-In Arduino v16 and earlier, libraries were stored in the **ArduinoInstallDirectory/​hardware/​libraries** folder, which also contained all the built-in libraries (like Wire and Serial). ​ 
-In v17 and up, the user libraries are now stored in the **ArduinoSketchDirectory/​libraries** folder. You may need to make the **libraries** sub-folder the first time. However, the good thing about this is you wont have to move & reinstall your libraries every time you upgrade the software. ​ 
-For example, here is how it looks when NewSoftSerial is installed in Windows (of course your username will be different) 
-After you're done, restart the Arduino IDE 
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/arduino/libraryinstall.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)