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chumbyhackerboard:audio [2010/08/30 18:02]
chumbyhackerboard:audio [2016/01/28 18:05] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Moved! ======
-====== Playing local MP3s ====== +This tutorial has moved to [[​chumby-hacker-board/​audio|​chumby-hacker-board/​audio]]
- +
-You can play MP3's off of your USB key or if you've copied any to the **/mnt/storage** space with **btplay ​--start-daemon file.mp3** +
- +
-{{:chumbyhackerboard:​btplay.gif|}} +
- +
-MP3's will play in the backgroundTo kill **btplay** run **killall btplay** +
- +
-Audio will play through the headphone jack at max volume, just plug in your favorite headphones! +
- +
-====== Playing remote MP3s! ====== +
- +
-You can also stream music with **btplay**, just stick a URL in there! +
- +
-{{:​chumbyhackerboard:​soma.gif|}} +
- +
-Just as before, just plug into the headphone jack to verify its working +
- +
-====== Using the Mixer ====== +
- +
-If you want to change the volume of the headphones, you'll need to run the audio mixer software **amixer** +
- +
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/attic/chumbyhackerboard/audio.1283191355.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)