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products:i2cspilcdbackpack:index.html [2010/11/01 16:52]
products:i2cspilcdbackpack:index.html [2016/01/28 18:05]
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-====== Which LCD to use ====== 
-{{  http://​​images/​arduino/​lcdtut/​variety_t.jpg ​ |http://​​images/​arduino/​lcdtut/​variety.jpg}} 
-This backpack will work with any '​standard'/'​classic'​ **character** LCD. It does not work with **graphic** LCDs. Character LCDs come in sizes ranging from 8x1 (8 characters, one line) to 40x4 (40 characters, four lines). The backpack will also only fit LCDs that have a single line of pins at the top, not the ones that have a 2x10 or 2x8 connector on the side. Those are much rarer these days but just keep a look out for that! 
-====== Assembly ====== 
-Putting together the backpack onto an LCD is a quick process, and should take only a few minutes with a soldering iron. 
-===== Parts check ===== 
-Verify you have everything in the bag, there should be an assembled and tested PCB, a 2-pin and 3-pin 3.5mm terminal block. The backpack does not come with header or an LCD.  
-===== Terminal blocks ===== 
-The [[http://​​wiki/​partfinder/​terminals|terminal blocks]] allow you to easily attach and remove the LCD from your wiring, which we think is awfully handy. If you dont want the terminal blocks (they stick out a bit) you can always skip this step. 
-[[http://​​wiki/​partfinder/​terminals|The terminal blocks come in 2 and 3-pin pieces]]. Slide them together. 
-Place the blocks over the corner area of the backpack so that the holes stick out (unless for some reason you want them to face the other way) 
-Solder them into place 
-===== Attach LCD ===== 
-Next we will attach the backpack to the LCD. First we must put header onto the LCD, if you bought the LCD from us, it will come with a stick of header. Otherwise, pick up some [[http://​​wiki/​partfinder/​header#​male_header|standard 0.1" male header]] 
-These photos shows a 10K potentiometer,​ you can ignore it 
-{{  http://​​images/​arduino/​lcdtut/​parts_t.jpg ​ |http://​​images/​arduino/​lcdtut/​parts.jpg}} 
-If the header is too long, just cut/snap it short so that it is 16 pins 
-Next you'll need to solder the header to the LCD.You must do this, it is not OK to just try to 'press fit' the LCD! 
-{{  http://​​images/​arduino/​lcdtut/​headersize_t.jpg ​ |http://​​images/​arduino/​lcdtut/​headersize.jpg}} 
-The easiest way we know of doing this is sticking the header into a breadboard and then sitting the LCD on top while soldering. this keeps it steady. 
-{{  http://​​images/​arduino/​lcdtut/​lcdbb_t.jpg ​ |http://​​images/​arduino/​lcdtut/​lcdbb.jpg}} 
-Now we will attach the backpack. We will show how to do this in a permanent fashion. If you think you would like to remove and replace the LCD at some time, you can use [[http://​​wiki/​partfinder/​header#​female_header|a piece of 16-pin long 0.1" female header]] as a socket but be aware it will stick out a lot. 
-===== Download ===== 
-==== Arduino Library ==== 
-We made a modification to the LiquidCrystal library so you can use it for i2c, spi or straight-up-6-pin connections. ​ [[http://​​adafruit/​LiquidCrystal|You can get the modified library that supports SPI/i2c from GitHub.]] 
-To download and install it: 
-  * Click the **Downloads** button in the top right of the GitHub page  
-  * You will need to **remove** the old library, find the folder **ArduinoIDE/​libraries/​LiquidCrystal** and put it somewhere else for safekeeping. 
-  * Uncompress the downloaded library, the folder will be called something like **adafruit-LiquidCrystal-xxxxx**. Look inside and verify you see a file called **MCP23008.h**. Rename the folder **LiquidCrystal** and drag it into your personal library folder which is in **arduinosketchfolder/​libraries** 
-  * Quit and restart the Arduino IDE 
-If you have a hankering to use the backpack as a general purpose i2c expander, you should use the plain [[http://​​adafruit/​MCP23008-library|**MCP23008** library, also at github]]. Its for more advanced users, by the way. 
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/products/i2cspilcdbackpack/index.html.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)