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tutorials:learn:sensors:thermocouple.html [2010/10/07 20:29]
tutorials:learn:sensors:thermocouple.html [2016/01/28 18:05] (current)
Line 33: Line 33:
   ***[[http://​​datasheets/​kthermotable.pdf|K Thermocouple Datasheet]]**   ***[[http://​​datasheets/​kthermotable.pdf|K Thermocouple Datasheet]]**
   ***[[http://​​datasheets/​MAX6675.pdf|MAX6675 Datasheet]]** ​   ***[[http://​​datasheets/​MAX6675.pdf|MAX6675 Datasheet]]** ​
 +  ***[[http://​​datasheets/​MAX31855.pdf|MAX31855 Datasheet]]** ​
 ==== Files  ==== ==== Files  ====
-[[http://​​adafruit/​MAX6675-breakout-board|Schematic and layout files can be found at GitHub - click Download Source to get the zip!]]+[[http://​​adafruit/​Adafruit-MAX6675-breakout-board|MAX6675 Schematic and layout files can be found at GitHub - click Download Source to get the zip!]] 
 +[[http://​​adafruit/​Adafruit-MAX31855-breakout-board|MAX31855 ​Schematic and layout files can be found at GitHub - click Download Source to get the zip!]]
Line 42: Line 45:
-As we mentioned before, trying to actually measure the voltage across the wires will be very difficult for most people, which is why we strongly suggest using a thermocouple interface chip. The nicest one we've seen so far is the MAX6675which unfortunately is only available in SOIC package. While not too difficult to solder, [[http://​​index.php?​main_page=product_info&​products_id=269|we nevertheless have in the shop a breakout board that is ready to go]]. [[http://​​shop/​|We also suggest the breakout boards from Ryan McLaughlin]] +As we mentioned before, trying to actually measure the voltage across the wires will be very difficult for most people, which is why we strongly suggest using a thermocouple interface chip. The nicest one we've seen so far is the MAX6675 ​(and its newest version called the MAX31855) ​which unfortunately is only available in SOIC package. While not too difficult to solder, [[http://​​products/269|we nevertheless have in the shop a breakout board that is ready to go]]. 
Line 66: Line 68:
-If you're planning to use the MAX6675, there'​s a little more work to be done. First off, VCC and GND must connect to a 3-5V supply. Then the three data pins must connect to digital IO pins: +If you're planning to use the MAX6675/MAX31855, there'​s a little more work to be done. First off, VCC and GND must connect to a 3-5V supply. Then the three data pins must connect to digital IO pins: 
-  ***CLK **(clock) is an input to the MAX6675 (output from microcontroller) which indicates when to present another bit of data +  ***CLK **(clock) is an input to the MAX6675/​MAX31855 ​(output from microcontroller) which indicates when to present another bit of data 
-  ***DO **(data out) is an output from the  MAX6675 (input to the microcontroller) which carries each bit of data +  ***DO **(data out) is an output from the  MAX6675/​MAX31855 ​(input to the microcontroller) which carries each bit of data 
-  ***CS **(chip select) is an input to the MAX6675 (output from the microcontroller) which tells the chip when its time to read the thermocouple and output more data.+  ***CS **(chip select) is an input to the MAX6675/​MAX31855 ​(output from the microcontroller) which tells the chip when its time to read the thermocouple and output more data.
 If you're using an Arduino, you can make a little shortcut and simply plug in the pins into the first digital port, from Digital Pin 2 thru 6. (Remember pins 0 and 1 are used by the FTDI chip for uploading) If you're using an Arduino, you can make a little shortcut and simply plug in the pins into the first digital port, from Digital Pin 2 thru 6. (Remember pins 0 and 1 are used by the FTDI chip for uploading)
Line 77: Line 79:
 [[http://​​images/​thermocouple/​maxplugged.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​thermocouple/​maxplugged_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x385 ​ |}}]] [[http://​​images/​thermocouple/​maxplugged.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​thermocouple/​maxplugged_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x385 ​ |}}]]
-Then [[http://​​adafruit/​MAX6675-library|download the MAX6675 Arduino library code]] by going to the github page and clicking Download Source. Then uncompress the folder and rename it **MAX6675** and [[http://​​library/​arduino/​libraries.html|install it into the library folder according to our handy tutorial]].+If you have an older MAX6675 breakout, ​[[http://​​adafruit/​MAX6675-library|download the MAX6675 Arduino library code]] by going to the github page and clicking Download Source. Then uncompress the folder and rename it **MAX6675** and [[http://​​library/​arduino/​libraries.html|install it into the library folder according to our handy tutorial]].
-Restart the Arduino IDE and open up the **File->​Examples->​MAX6675->​serialthermocouple** sketch and upload it to your Arduino. Once uploaded, open up the serial port monitor to display the current temperatures in both celsius and farenheit 
-{{  ​http://​​images/thermocouple/maxtest.gif?​nolink&​478x308  ​|}}+If you have the newer MAX31855 breakout, ​ [[https://​​adafruit/​Adafruit-MAX31855-library|download the MAX31855 Arduino library code]] by going to the github page and clicking Download Source. Then uncompress the folder and rename it **Adafruit_MAX31855** and [[http://​​library/arduino/libraries.html|install it into the library folder according to our handy tutorial]].
-Here is the code<​code C> +Restart ​the Arduino IDE and open up the **File->Examples->​MAX6675/Adafruit_MAX31855->​serialthermocouple** sketch and upload it to your ArduinoOnce uploaded, open up the serial port monitor to display the current temperatures in both Celsius and Fahrenheit
-// this example is public domainenjoy! +
-#include "​max6675.h"​ +{​nolink&​478x308 ​ |}}
- +
-int thermoDO = 4; +
-int thermoCS = 5; +
-int thermoCLK = 6; +
- +
-MAX6675 thermocouple(thermoCLK,​ thermoCS, thermoDO);​ +
-int vccPin = 3; +
-int gndPin = 2; +
-   +
-void setup() ​{ +
-  Serial.begin(9600);​ +
-  // ​use Arduino pins  +
-  pinMode(vccPin,​ OUTPUT); digitalWrite(vccPin,​ HIGH); +
-  pinMode(gndPin,​ OUTPUT); digitalWrite(gndPin,​ LOW); +
-   +
-  Serial.println("​MAX6675 test"​);​ +
-  ​// wait for MAX chip to stabilize +
-  delay(500);​ +
- +
-void loop() { +
-  ​// basic readout test, just print the current temp +
-   +
-   ​Serial.print("​C = ");  +
-   ​Serial.println(thermocouple.readCelsius());​ +
-   ​Serial.print("​F = "); +
-   ​Serial.println(thermocouple.readFarenheit());​ +
- +
-   ​delay(1000);​ +
-} +
- +
-As you can see, its pretty simple to use the library, simply tell the MAX6675 ​object what the clock, chip select and data pins are, then call **readCelsius()**or **readFarenheit()** to get a floating point result. In this example we provide power to the MAX chip via pins 2 and 3 but if you're not just plugging it in as above, you can take out those lines. ​+As you can see, its pretty simple to use the library, simply tell the sensor ​object what the clock, chip select and data pins are, then call **readCelsius()**or **readFahrenheit()** to get a floating point result. In this example we provide power to the MAX chip via pins 2 and 3 but if you're not just plugging it in as above, you can take out those lines. ​
 ==== Adding a display ​ ==== ==== Adding a display ​ ====
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/attic/tutorials/learn/sensors/thermocouple.html.1286483355.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)