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tutorials:products:digitalrgbledstrip:index.html [2012/05/13 15:41]
adafruit_support [FAQ & Troubleshooting]
tutorials:products:digitalrgbledstrip:index.html [2016/01/28 18:05] (current)
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   - Check that you did not swap the DATA and CLOCK pins   - Check that you did not swap the DATA and CLOCK pins
-For long strips, there can be a significant drop in voltage from one end to the other. ​ For strips longer than 1 meter we recommend feeding power to both ends of the strip. ​ For very long strips (5 meters or more) you should plan to feed power to multiple points along the strip. 
-Mysterious Green Flash- On some strips it has been reported that the first pixel on the strip will flash green whenever commands are sent to this strip (If you are sending commands continuously,​ it will be green most of the time). ​ We are still trying to understand the cause of this phenomenon. ​ In any case, it does not otherwise affect normal operation of the strip.+**For long strips**, there can be a significant drop in voltage from one end to the other. ​ For strips longer than 1 meter we recommend feeding power to both ends of the strip. ​ For very long strips (5 meters or more) you should plan to feed power to multiple points along the strip. 
 +**Mysterious Green Flash**- On some strips it has been reported that the first pixel on the strip will flash a little ​green whenever commands are sent to this strip (If you are sending commands continuously,​ it might show some green most of the time). ​ We are still trying to understand the cause of this phenomenon. ​ In any case, it does not otherwise affect normal operation of the strip.
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/tutorials/products/digitalrgbledstrip/index.html.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)