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tutorials:zencartmods:blog_announce.html [2011/08/01 16:43]
tutorials:zencartmods:blog_announce.html [2016/01/28 18:05]
Line 1: Line 1:
-==== Create a Blog Announcements Box ==== 
-=== Create an Anouncements Category === 
-Use Wordpress and create a category called '​announce',​ and populate it with a few posts. Test to see that the rss feed works. ​ 
-If you're using some sort of nice URLS, it'll look like http://​​feed/​announce 
-If not, it may look more like http://​​feed=rss2&​category_name=announce 
-=== PHP / DOM === 
-Put this in **includes/​templates/​YOUR_TEMPLATE/​templates/​tpl_index_default.php** (we put it at the very bottom). 
-<code php> 
-<div id="​announceBox">​ 
-$filename = '​http://​​feed/​announce'; ​  // Change this to your own feed 
-$xml = new DOMDocument();​ 
-$item = $xml->​getElementsByTagName('​item'​)->​item(0);​ 
-$post_title = $item->​getElementsByTagName('​title'​)->​item(0)->​nodeValue;​ 
-$post_link = $item->​getElementsByTagName('​link'​)->​item(0)->​nodeValue;​ 
-$post_encoded ​ = $item->​getElementsByTagName('​encoded'​)->​item(0)->​nodeValue;​ 
-$post_text = substr(strip_tags($post_encoded,​ '<​p><​a><​blockquote>'​),​ 0, 500);  // strip out common tags here 
-if($post_text != strip_tags($post_encoded,​ '<​p><​a><​blockquote>'​)) 
-  { // add read more tag 
-    $pre_cut = 499; 
-    while( substr($post_text,​ $pre_cut, 1) !== ' ' && $pre_cut > 0) 
-      { 
- $pre_cut--;​ 
-      } 
-    $post_text = substr($post_text,​ 0, $pre_cut); 
-    $post_text .= '... <a href="'​. $post_link .'">​Read More ...</​a>';​ 
-  } 
-$post_text = str_replace('<​p></​p>',​ '',​ $post_text);​ 
-// find the first image of the post 
-$matches = array(); 
-preg_match('/<​img\s+src="​([^"​]*)"/',​ $post_encoded,​ $matches); 
-$post_image = $matches[1];​ 
-<div id="​announceImgBox">​ 
-<a href="<?​php echo $post_link; ?>">​ 
-<img src="<?​php echo $post_image;​ ?>" /> 
-  } 
-<div id="​announceTitle">​ 
-  <a href="<?​php echo $post_link; ?>">​ <?php echo $post_title;​ ?></​a>​ 
-<div id="​announceText">​ 
-  echo $post_text; 
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/tutorials/zencartmods/blog_announce.html.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)