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tutorials:zencartmods:blog_ticker.html [2011/08/01 16:16]
tutorials:zencartmods:blog_ticker.html [2016/01/28 18:05]
Line 1: Line 1:
-==== Create a Blog Ticker on your homepage ==== 
-If you have a blog that generates an rss feed, you can use the rss feed to pull in recent blog posts and post them to your home page. 
-For this example we'll be using our rss that is generated automatically from Wordpress ([[http://​​blog/​feed|http://​​blog/​feed]]). ​ 
-==== PHP DOM ==== 
-Add this to your template, wherever you'd like to see the ticker. We chose **includes/​templates/​YOUR_TEMPLATE/​templates/​tpl_index_default.php** around line 1. 
-<code php> 
-<div id="​ticker"​ > 
- // Begin blog ticker mod 
-    $url = '​http://​​blog/​feed/'; ​   // Change this to your own rss feed 
-    $num_posts = 5; // change this to the number of posts that you would like to show 
- $doc = new DOMDocument();​ 
- $doc->​load($url);​ 
- $arrFeeds = array(); 
- foreach ($doc->​getElementsByTagName('​item'​) as $node) { 
- $itemRSS = array (  
- '​title'​ => substr($node->​getElementsByTagName('​title'​)->​item(0)->​nodeValue,​ 0, 100), // truncate the title to 100 character to fit in our layout 
- '​link'​ => $node->​getElementsByTagName('​link'​)->​item(0)->​nodeValue 
- ); 
- $arrFeeds[] = $itemRSS; 
- if (count($arrFeeds) >= $num_posts) 
- continue;​ 
- } 
- for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_posts; $i++)  ​ 
- {?> 
- <div class="​tickerText"​ id="​tickerText<?​php echo $i; ?>">​ 
- Latest Blog Posts: <a href="<?​php echo $arrFeeds[$i]['​link'​];​ ?>"><?​php echo $arrFeeds[$i]['​title'​];​ ?></​a>​ 
- </​div>​ 
- <?php  
- } 
-<script language="​javascript">​ 
-tickerFade(<?​php echo $num_posts; ?>); 
-Note that for now, you will have a javascript error since **tickerFade()** hasn't been defined. You could also use jQuery to call **tickerFade()** on page load, but its important that you call it AFTER the **div**s are created 
-Upload it and make sure that you're getting all the posts you want displayed in a row.  
-==== CSS ==== 
-You'll need to CSS the divs so that they fit in to your own template, but if you want it fading in and out you should add to .tickerText 
-<code css> 
-opacity: 0; 
-display: none; 
-This way they will all start out on top of each other, and invisible. display:​none takes the object out of the css flow, so they'​ll also all take up 0 space. To combat this, add some height to #ticker 
-<code css> 
-height: 15px 
-==== Javascript ==== 
-We need to make the **tickerFade()** function now, which we can place in a new files called **includes/​templates/​YOUR_TEMPLATE/​jscript/​jscript_ticker.js** 
-Here's what our (slightly hacky) code looks like 
-<code javascript>​ 
-ticker = 0; 
-function tickerFade(num_posts) 
- for( i = 0; i < num_posts; i++) { 
- stringName = '​tickerText'​ + i ; 
- document.getElementById(stringName).style.display = '​none';​ 
- } 
- tickerCycle(num_posts);​ 
-function tickerCycle(num_posts) 
- fade(ticker,​ num_posts); 
- ticker++; 
- ticker = ticker%num_posts;​ 
- setTimeout("​tickerCycle()",​ 5000); 
-function fade(tickerNum,​ num_posts) 
- fadeIn(tickerNum);​ 
- if(ticker == 0) { 
- fadeOut(num_posts-1);​ 
- outString = "​tickerText"​ + num_posts - 1; 
- } 
- else { 
- fadeOut(tickerNum-1);​ 
- outString = "​tickerText"​ + (tickerNum-1);​ 
- } 
- inString = "​tickerText"​ + tickerNum; 
- document.getElementById(inString).style.display = '​inline';​ 
-alpha = 0; 
-beta = 100; 
-function fadeIn(tickerNum) 
-     if( alpha < 100) { 
- alpha += 10; 
- thing = "​tickerText"​ + tickerNum; 
- document.getElementById(thing).style.opacity = alpha/100; 
- document.getElementById(thing).style.filter = '​alpha(opacity='​ + alpha + '​)';​ 
- setTimeout("​fadeIn("​+ tickerNum +"​)",​ 50); 
- } 
- else { 
- alpha = 0; 
- } 
-function fadeOut(tickerNum) 
- if( beta > 0 ) { 
- beta -= 10; 
- thing = "​tickerText"​ + tickerNum; 
- document.getElementById(thing).style.opacity = beta/100; 
- document.getElementById(thing).style.filter = '​alpha(opacity='​ + beta + '​)';​ 
- setTimeout("​fadeOut("​+ tickerNum +"​)",​ 50); 
- } 
- else { 
- beta = 100; 
- thing = "​tickerText"​ + tickerNum; 
- document.getElementById(thing).style.display = '​none';​ 
- } 
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/tutorials/zencartmods/blog_ticker.html.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)