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openbench:fgen [2008/01/03 14:38]
geekabit waveforms + modulation
openbench:fgen [2016/01/28 18:05]
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-====== what ====== 
-A completely open design for a function/​waveform generator: hardware, firmware, software 
-for more info, read about [[start|openbench]] 
-For collected links, try [[http://​​ladyada/​dds|DDS link on delicious]] and [[http://​​ladyada/​fgen|Function Gen link on delicious]] 
-====== Notes & stuff ====== 
-===== Design constraints ===== 
-One or two designs: Low cost, high cost. 
-   * Low cost is ~$50-75 ​ 
-   * High cost is ~$100-150 
-Waveforms we want (in order of importance) 
-  * Sine wave  
-  * Square wave (with variable PWM) 
-  * Triangle wave (with variable PWM?) 
-  * Sawtooth (possibly a modification of triangle wave???) 
-  * Arbitrary waveform (sync, envelopes, etc) 
-  * Noise (white noise, pink noise, brown noise, etc) 
-Modulation (in order of importance) 
-  * Sweep (actually is FM) 
-  * AM 
-  * FM 
-Frequency range: 
-  * 1Hz to 100KHz required (must cover audio ranges) 
-  * DC to 10MHz is ideal (digital/​analog ranges) 
-Output capabilities:​ 
-  * 50ohm/inf impedance 
-  * 1mv to 10V amplitude 
-  * 0 to 10V DC offset 
-  * trigger output 
-USB control? Serial control? Panel control? All of the above? 
-Vpp? (+-12V is pretty '​standard'​) 
-100mA is not a bad current capability to shoot for 
-PCB is doublesided,​ 10/10 rule 
-Parts are DIP, thruhole or PLCC (preferred) SOIC, 1206 (likely). No TSSOP, QFP, LLP, MSOP, uSOIC, etc. 
-===== Waveform generation ===== 
-Waveforms we want (in order of importance) 
-  * Sine wave  
-  * Square wave (with variable PWM) 
-  * Triangle wave (with variable PWM?) 
-  * Sawtooth (possibly a modification of triangle wave???) 
-  * Arbitrary waveform (sync, envelopes, etc) 
-  * Noise (white noise, pink noise, brown noise, etc) 
-Frequency range: 
-  * 1Hz to 100KHz required (must cover audio ranges) 
-  * DC to 10MHz is ideal (digital/​analog ranges) 
-==== Generator tech ==== 
-Two options for chip '​styles'​ is the all-in-one oscillator (ICL3038, etc) +PLL or DDS 
-=== Oscillators === 
-All-in-one is nice, although not very stable w/o PLL. Two options available, MAX038 & XR220. ​ 
-  * The [[http://​​quick_view2.cfm/​qv_pk/​1257|MAX038]] is completely unavailable. ​ 
-  * And the [[http://​​webapp/​wcs/​stores/​servlet/​ProductDisplay?​langId=-1&​storeId=10001&​catalogId=10001&​productId=34972|XR2206]] kinda sucks. ​ 
-Pros: easy, cheap, simple 
-Cons: unavailable,​ PLL required 
-=== DDS === 
-Direct-Digital-Synthesis,​ currently popular. Basically: wavetable + 24 or 32 bit adder and sampling above nyquist to get precision waveforms. 
-  * Pros: digital, precise, no PLL needed 
-  * Cons: hard to get high frequencies because of oversampling 
-Either roll your own or buy off the shelf ([[http://​​en/​subCat/​0,​2879,​770%255F843%255F0%255F%255F0%255F,​00.html|basically from AD]]) 
-== Off the shelf, AD parts == 
-They come with sync out, very very high speeds. But only sine and square out, and in small packages (TSSOP). 
-== Roll your own == 
-**Idea #1**: Get a chunk of SRAM (like, say, CY7C1399B-12VXC),​ fill it with your wavetable, then clock it with a variable clock ([[http://​​pc/​​navId=H0,​C1,​C1010,​C1096,​P2415|LTC6903]] 1KHz->​68MHz !!) maybe use along with adder/​scaler to provide more range at high/low freq. We could get up to 4MHz, nice! 
-  * Pros: high frequency range 
-  * Cons: complex, lots of glue and fiddling, but might be a good solution 
-**Idea #2**: SRAM + 32 bit adder, just like AD. Maybe make the adder in a CPLD or something else that can be clocked super-fast (See [[http://​​works/​asg/​report_e.html|ELM'​s DDS generator]]) 
-  * Pros: the ideal solution: high resolution, high speed 
-  * Cons: ugh CPLD, dont even know if there'​s a good solution available for the price/​package we need, a little pricey 
-Look at: http://​​mc/​fg/​fg.html , a handmade adder 
-For CPLD, 100MHz PLCC (44 or 68) either XC9500 (xilinx) or MAX7000 (altera) 
-**Idea #3**: Hand-roll the adder code into an AVR microcontroller,​ and use onboard memory. Lots of examples: [[http://​​avr-dds-signal-generator-in-line-asm-explained/​|AVR generator]] or [[http://​​avr/​minidds/​index.htm|Jesper miniDDS]] (note: can't we do this in 8 cycles by using LD? just make sure we have an AVR with more than 256b of RAM) 
-  * Pros: ultra-cheap/​simple 
-  * Cons: 8 @ 20MHz -> low frequency output (20M/​16samples/​8cycles = ~150KHz), 8bit resolution 
-      Other possibilities include going with an SX instead of AVR: SX28 can be clocked up to 75MIPS (maybe give us 500KHz...but will draw an insane 100mA from 5V. jesus!) 
-**Idea #4**: A combination of idea #1 and idea #3. Take a simple AVR that is able to calculate waveforms, but not in realtime. Load the wavetable in some external RAM, and clock it at the desired speed. 
-  * Pros: high frequency, adjustable waveform 
-  * Cons: complex 
-===== Power supply ===== 
-Need 3.3V (probably), 5V, +-12V (@100mA) 
-**Idea #1** Use '​computer'​ power supply: $5-$10! 
-    * Pros: cheap, safe, pretty good quality, universal, big 
-    * Cons: need to load down 5V - should look into this 
-**Idea #2** Use 78xx's with mains transformer. 
-    * Pros: well understood, cheap, safe (isolated), clean power, huge 
-    * Cons: Transformers kind of a pain, unsafe (to build, wiring mains yuk) 
-**Idea #3** Use a regulated power supply/wall wart with multiple outputs (see [[http://​​webapp/​wcs/​stores/​servlet/​ProductDisplay?​langId=-1&​storeId=10001&​catalogId=10001&​productId=154624|Jameco#​154624]] 5V @0.5A +-12V @0.13A each $13) 
-   * Pros: Reasonably well priced, regulated, clean power 
-   * Cons: 'One offs' might be hard to find power supplies for later 
-**Idea #4** DC/DC converters, run off of '​single'​ supply like 5V or 9VDC 
-   * Pros: simple, regulated, ultra compact 
-   * Cons: expensive, noisy 
-**Idea #4b** Build your own DC/DC converter, a bit like [[http://​​art=ucboost&​page=2|sprite_tm]] did. Have the processor generate the PWM needed for the converter. 
-   * Pros: cheap, same as idea #4 
-   * Cons: noisy 
-====== Planned versions ====== 
-===== Inexpensive kit ===== 
-==== Power ==== 
-USB and/or external power (9VDC) 
-Single output, +12V max (maybe -12V too).  
-Boost converter: LT1610 will give +12V @ 1.2MHz switching freq. Has 8V max input so must clamp input. ugh. 
-For isolation, use wall wart that provides 5->9VDC 
-==== UI ==== 
-2x16 LCD and some buttons & rotary encoders for UI.  
-Maybe an 'm88? at 12MHz does the UI work and USB nonsense. (USB "​serial"​ (or raw) interface using USBtiny.) and sends just raw serial/spi commands to DDS chipset 
-==== Chipset ==== 
-DDS done by dedicated chip probaby Atmega48 running @ 20MHz 
-DAC is DAC0800 (?) 
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/openbench/fgen.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)