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Notes on crystals:

  • Crystals are high precision timekeeping devices - much better than resonators - but are more $ and may require capacitors
  • Frequencies may vary with temperature and the capacitors used
  • In general we'll have the larger/cheaper packages
  • If you need to have matching capacitors, pick ones a couple pF smaller than double the load capacitance rated. For example, a 12.5pF clock crystal would take ~20pF caps
Image Description Part # and datasheet Distributors Eagle lib.
crystalcyl_t.jpg 32.768 KHz (12.5pF) for timekeeping Generic Digikey Mouser crystal:TC38H
5mhzcrystal_t.jpg 5.0000 MHz in HC-49 package Generic Digikey Mouser crystal:HC49
hc49u_t.jpg 3.579545 MHz ("colorburst") crystal Generic Digikey Mouser crystal:HC49
either CYL or HC49 28.63636MHz Crystal Generic Digikey Mouser crystal:TC38H


Notes on Resonators:

  • Resonators are reasonable-precision timekeeping devices - not as good as crystals but better than RC oscillators. Cheap & easy to use
  • Frequencies may vary with temperature and voltage used
  • Theres a couple manufacturers so we have multiple links
  • They have built in capacitors so just connect middle pin to ground and the outer two to the crystal pins of your oscillator
Image Description Part # and datasheet Distributors Eagle Lib.
xtal16m_t.jpg 16.00 MHz ceramic oscillator with caps ZTT-16.00
Digikey Digikey
Mouser Mouser
8mhzcermosc_t.jpg 8.00 MHz ceramic oscillator with caps ZTT-8.00
Digikey Digikey
Mouser Mouser Mouser
cermosc12mhz_t.jpg 12.00 MHz ceramic oscillator with caps ZTT-12 Mouser Digikey Adafruit:CERMOSCILL
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/partfinder/crystals.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)