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The manual for the software for the Luna EXP NX: lunaexpnxmanuale.pdf

The manual for the software for the Luna EXP: lunaexpmanuale.pdf

Spec & Data sheets

The spec sheet for the MDC Luna EXP NX (stepper motors) lunaexpnxe.pdf

The spec sheet for the older MDC Luna EXP (servo motors) lunaexpbenche.pdf

Other docs

Our MDC showed up with loose "homing dots" - the brackets on either side of the bank 1 feeders. As such the machine was not calibrated, and we needed to change the "Mark Calibration", here are detailed recalibration instructions: mdc_luna_mark_adjustment.pdf

/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/mdcpickandplace/download.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)